Week 13 Story: The Escaping Snake

There was once a young mother who adored her children. She had four children, two boys and two girls. They absolutely adored the outdoors. Each day, they would spend hours and hours out in the yard, running through the dirt and laughing with one another. They were not kids who enjoyed watching TV or playing nicely with toys. They wanted to be loud, dirty, moving, and in the sun. Always. This happened to work out perfectly for their family because they lived out in countryside. They were constantly surrounded by animals and nature, which made all of the kids very happy. One day, the young mom came home from work with a very sad look on her face. "What wrong, Mommy?" the kids asked, noticing she was not herself. "I have to tell you guys some bad new," she started, hesitating as she saw their concerned faces. "We have to move away for my job. We have to move to an apartment in the city," she explained. The kids did not say much. They were disappointed, b...