Week 12 Reading Notes Part 2

The Fairy and the Hare

  • A young hare lived in a small forrest between a mountain, a village, and a rive and was the sweetest hare of all 
  • He was friends with a jackal, a water-weasel, and a monkey
  • Every night they would meet to talk and the hare would teach them many things
  • One day, the hare said that they should not eat but instead give the food they find to others
  • The jackal found a piece of meat and a jar of curdled milk
  • The water-weasel found the hiding place of a fisherman and took his golden fish
  • The monkey found some ripe mangoes
  • The hare did not find anything, and was sad because he had nothing to offer
  • Then he decided he would give them himself to eat
  • An all-knowing fairy lived nearby and changed herself into an old beggar man
  • She first went by the jackal, who offered her the stolen meat and milk 
  • She then walked by the water-weasel and the monkey, who offered her their food as well
  • Finally, she walked by the hare who offered himself up and told her to make a fire 
  • She made magical flames, but when he jumped in they did not burn him

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