Introduction to Carly the Future Counselor

Hi! My name is Carly Capulli and I am a junior at the University of Oklahoma. I will be graduating this December, with a major in child psychology and a minor in Spanish. Personally, I think that my major is really interesting. I get to study how the mind works and why people are the way that they are, with a specific focus on children. I absolutely love kids! I have known since I was a child that I would one day work with children in some way, and that has never changed. I have never even changed my major! After attending graduate school, my ultimate goal is to become a trauma counselor for children in the foster care system. Last semester was tough for everyone I can imagine, however I did feel very accomplished in that I achieved A's in every one of my classes, with all of them being fully online. This taught me that I am very self-disciplined and can work on my own quite well. 

I do not read much and I hardly have the patience to sit through a movie, but I do have many favorite TV shows. Grey's Anatomy is definitely at the top of the list, with others like Gilmore Girls and The Vampire Diaries not far behind (basic, I know). My mini Australian Shepherd, Kodak, is my whole world. I adopted him my second year at OU and he just turned one! We run together every morning and are pretty much inseparable. Having a dog in college is hard work and expensive, but I would not trade it for the world. I am not a good cook at all, but my favorite thing to eat is definitely Mexican food. Traditional or not, I will eat it all. While I do not cook much, I do love to bake! Whenever I get stressed out, I find baking and decorating a cake or giving some cookies as gifts to be of great relief. If I had an extra day for fun, I would spend it at the beach. I could spend my entire life at the beach, and I sincerely hope that one day I am able to travel to a multitude of different beaches. I would love to see Santorini, Bora Bora, and the Maldives most of all. Ultimately, I would describe myself as someone who loves children, animals, and travel more than anything in the world. 

                                                             From my Camera Roll: Kodak


  1. What a great career path, Carly! I've often thought I should have become an elementary school teacher... but here I am teaching college. As you may have figured out, one of my goals for the class is to bring back some of the joy of learning that little children experience before they start stressing about report cards and GPAs and all those parts of school that inhibit people from being creative experimenters and using their imaginations the way little kids can do so freely. And your dog is such a cutie; I did not know there was a miniature breed of Australian Shepherds. How wonderful! Australian shepherds and also Australian cattle dogs are my favorites of the dog breeds I have known. And yay for beaches! There are some beautiful beaches in India; maybe you can use this class to learn about Indian geography and mythology. The Ramayana epic that we read is all about south India and Sri Lanka, where there are some beautiful beaches! :-) Best beaches in South India

  2. Hi Carly,

    I find it so ironic that we live so close to each other in the Plano/Frisco area. What a small world it really is. I was wondering what High School you went to? I think your major is very interesting, and I'm actually taking a psychology class right now and I think it is so fascinating. WOW! your dog looks so cute. Is he by chance named after Kodak Black? I also agree with your comment about how you would spend a day of fun. I would want to spend my extra day of fun somewhere on the beach, or somewhere that gets really hot.

  3. Hey Carly! Wow, your ultimate goal is amazing and I sincerely hope it will work out for you. I do enjoy a good episode of Grey's, although the recent season has been a little off than their usual plot. I got my dog last semester and it was RUFF. Ultimately, you love them to death. Living in Oklahoma has definitely made me appreciate beaches so much more. I wish to go to one very soon after the pandemic.

  4. Hey Carly, I must say that your choice of career path is absolutely unique and I am glad that a lot of kids in the future can get help from you. I wish you the best on your career path and I think that you will be more than successful with an amazing self-discipline.

    I have been thinking about getting a dog as well, but so far I have been deciding against it because it seems too much time, but reading your post might change my mind a little bit. I also enjoyed Grey's Anatomy, I started it recently and it is interesting.

  5. Hi Carly!

    I didn't even know that child psychology is a major. That is really cool! I love how you can focus on the field you want to go into so early on. Also, anything that you learn in Spanish will be very beneficial if you want to stay in Oklahoma or Texas! I just became fluent and it is one of my favorite things about my college education!

  6. Hi Carly!

    Child psychology is so important! I want to be a doctor and I have greatly been considering pediatrics. I believe the two fields go well together and are equally as important. I also love Grey's Anatomy and The Vampire Diaries. Grey's was SO GOOD this season so far! I cannot wait for the show to start back up in March. I actually just finished rewatching VD and forgot how much I love Damon. Who do you prefer: Damon or Stefan? Your pup is so cute! I am sure he loves your cooking even if you don't :) I am unfortunately really bad at baking. The first time I tried baking cookies, they turned out to be more like muffins? I actually retried the other day and made my first successful batch!

  7. Hi Carly!
    Child psychology is such an excellent field, especially with your minor--it will be very beneficial for your career. I also love The Vampire Diaries, it is one of my favorite shows of all time. If you haven't already, I would recommend watching spinoffs The Originals and Legacies! Best of luck to your future in foster care work, you will do great things!

  8. Hi Carly! We actually have a lot in common which is really cool! Australian Shepherds are one of my favorite breeds and Kodak is adorable! I also love Gilmore Girls and have seen it so many times through I lost count. I think freshman year that's about all I watched! Your career path is admirable and I'm so happy you found something you really enjoy! I wish you luck on all of your endeavors and look forward to reading some of your stories this semester!

  9. Hey Carly!

    I plan to graduate with a major in psychology and minor in sociology in December as well. Is it not crazy that we are about to graduate so soon? Graduation will be here by the time we just blink. I also agree that the mind is such a fascinating subject to study. I love Mexican food as well. I also got my first pet during my Sophomore year. He is a yorkie named Milo and is turning 2 this April. Can I just take a moment to mention that Kodak has the most beautiful eyes?

  10. Hi Carly! I find it really interesting that you want to help children in the foster care system; I remember reading up on the foster care system, and there is a really big need for trauma counselors. Your work is really going to help those kids, and it’s a really important field of work. Also, congratulations on achieving all A’s! Online classes are definitely tough, and it’s really impressive you were able to do it during these chaotic times.

  11. Hi Carly! What a great choice in your career path! I think mental health is extremely important and I think it is amazing how you want to become a trauma counselor for children! I also love children and have considered going into pediatrics. I am with you on not being able to sit through a movie, I always tend to go for TV shows! I also love Grey’s Anatomy and Gilmore Girls, definitely my all time favorites.

  12. Hi Carly! It’s nice to meet you. First of all, I love the name Kodak for your dog! Australian Shepherds are great dogs. I’m hoping to get a dog sometime soon, and I’d love an Aussie. Congratulations on coming up on graduation! I’m right there with you. I think your career goals sound awesome. You’ll do a lot of really great and meaningful work working with kids in need. I’m sure you’ll be a great counselor. I hope you get to travel to some more beaches sometime soon! I’m more of a mountain person myself, but I love being near the ocean because it’s so vast and powerful. Best of luck finishing out the semester!

  13. Hello Carly, I think that you major is really cool and I glad that you really enjoy it! I also think that your long term career goal is great and needed. I’m also not the type of person to sit down and read books or just sit down in general. I also love to travel and animals! I hope you have a great semester!

  14. Hi Carly,

    I love Kodak he is so cute! I think dogs are so important to living well :) I also have a bit of a short attention span as well so movies are hard to focus on unless I am really in the mood for them! I also got straight A's, it is such an achievement especially during an international crisis/ pandemic. Online school is hard to focus on, especially when the environment is completely different from what you are used to!

  15. Hi Carly,
    I enjoyed reading your introduction as I too am a big beach person. I love baking in the sun and just relaxing without a worry in the world and I hope to one day live on the beach. It also sounds like you have worked hard during online class since you got all A's. Great job! I hope you have a good rest of the semester and finish strong.

  16. Hey Carly!

    Your major and career goals are awesome! I am pursuing a minor in psychology and I also love learning about child development. It takes a very special type of person to work in that field so I admire your passion for the subject. My girlfriend and I have a cat together, although I wish I had a dog lol. You seem super cool and I hope the rest of your semester goes well!

  17. Hi Carly! Becoming a counselor for children in foster care is a very noble thing, it's great to see someone looking out for those in need! I don't have a dog myself, but me and my roommates are currently taking care of a stray our friend found on the side of the highway. It's been a fun experience. Congrats on graduating next semester, good luck with your career plans!

  18. Hi Carly,

    I think your major sounds really interesting too. I’m very impressed that you never changed your major, I have changed mine many a times. I admire that you want to work in the foster-care system. Foster care is such an underserved part of our community. I love the beach too!! Maybe Corona will end soon and we will be free to travel once more.


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