Week 12 Story Lab

 For my lab this week, I explored the Writers Write website. The website includes many different articles and tips on how to enhance your writing. My favorite article was "7 Things You Can Do With Dialogue In A Story." I found this particular article interesting because dialogue is something I have been trying to work on with my own stories in this class, and especially with my portfolio. It is much easier to write a story without dialogue. It is a lot faster and simpler to just tell an entire story in the third person. However, dialogues greatly enhances storytelling and makes the story much more interesting. Dialogue helps the reader get to know the characters and feel like they are being pulled into the story. The article covered this, as well as many other points about dialogue. The article informs the reader that dialogue advances the story, makes you show instead of just telling, introduces conflict, reveals character and setting, gives information, and increases the pace. Therefore there is really no downside to dialogue. Just adding a couple of conversations to your story can do all of these things. I loved reading this article because it provided me with clear examples of how dialogue is best able to enhance my writing. I need to remember to not get lazy with my storytelling, but instead remember that putting a little be more effort into my writing and utilizing strong dialogue will only benefit my stories. 


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