South Carolina, My Favorite Place

 I have spent every single summer since I was born in South Carolina. My family has stayed in various beach houses, all in a small community between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Many of my greatest memories are from that beach. I have often dreamed of getting married on that beach, of buying my own beach house one day and spending summers with my children on that beach. It has always been my favorite place in the world, and I think that it always will be. 


  1. I'm going through the blog stream backwards, Carly: I just reach about your global beach travel dreams, and now here I am at the beautiful Myrtle Beach in your favorite places post. I'm so glad you got the images to work; those pictures of Myrtle Beach look beautiful. Pictures of beaches can at least remind us of all the great places we can go once we finally get to the other side of this pandemic. The beaches are patiently waiting for us to come back!

  2. Hi everybody, I'm posting this link across several blogs to connect the South Carolina people :-)
    Lauren, Chris, and Carly (and that's just so far. :-)


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