My Thoughts on the Growth Mindset
Watching the assigned videos and learning about Carol Dweck was very interesting to me because I had never heard of her or her ideas before today. In terms of academics, I definitely think that I have a growth mindset. I have always been a good student, however that does not mean that I have not received bad grades or struggled with certain subjects. While I have definitely found myself frustrated when dealing with something that does not come naturally to me, I have always been one to keep trying and push forward, because I know that I can do better. I have also often found myself bored when I am not being challenged. For example, I am currently doing the assignments for this class ahead of time because I have become bored without any schoolwork over the last month. I enjoy being challenged because it keeps me engaged. However on the other hand, I do not think I have a growth mindset in many other aspects of my life. I have often accepted that I am just simply not good at things instead of trying harder. Growing up, I was terribly uncoordinated and out of shape and therefore just accepted that I was bad at sports. I never thought that I could become good at sports because I simply thought I just was not one of those people. Even now there are things that I do not put effort into because I believe that I am not good. For example, cooking has never been enjoyable for me and it does not come naturally. Therefore I never cook and have never attemptedto learn. After learning about Carol Dweck and the growth mindset, I now think that maybe I should start putting effort into the things that I have so easily given up on. I should know better than to think that I cannot do something simply because it is challenging. Doing this assignment has opened my eyes to some of my own shortcomings.
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