Time Strategies

 The first article that I read for this assignment was Eat The Frogs First Thing in the Morning (And Other Better Work Habits). This article claimed that we should do the most unwanted task of the day first. This definitely makes sense to me and is something that I already follow in my everyday life. The first thing I do when I wake up is exercise. Immediately after exercising, I do all of my schoolwork for the day. It is not until after these things are completed that I move on to watching TV or spending time with friends. I agree with this article that the best way to ensure a task gets done is by completing it first. 

The second article I read was The Psychology of Checklists. This article focused on how making checklists for small, attainable actions causes us to be more productive and goal-oriented. I have also employed this in my personal life and have found it to be incredibly helpful. I do not write out a physical checklist, but when I wake up in the morning I typically make a checklist in my head. I tell myself that I need to take the dog out, work out, do my schoolwork, go to the grocery store, and clean. Typically when I lay these little goals out for myself, I am more likely to get up and get to it. This is what keeps me so organized. 

Ultimately, I plan on using both of these strategies moving forward in my personal life as well as in relation to this course. I plan on outlining what I need to get done each day, and starting on those tasks as soon as I wake up. I have never struggled with time management because I have always been organized and motivated. I believe that following these strategies in the past is what has helped me succeed thus far.


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