Week 4 Lab: Microfiction

 I really liked learning about microfiction this week! I was not previously familiar with this style of writing and had never been exposed to it before. I really enjoyed the 100-word microfictions, especially the Tiny Love Stories. I feel like 100 words is just enough to intrigue the reader and provide a little bit of detail without turning too complicated or becoming boring. They are quick, fun little stories to read and I really enjoyed the more contemporary style of the love stories featured in The New York Times. I do, however, think that the 6 word microfictions are just too short. While they can be intriguing because they can appear as eery or allusive, they do not provide any detail or really create a story at all. I just felt like I was reading random sentences. In the future, I do want to try writing microfictions in this class! I think it would be a fun way to challenge myself. While you might think that writing less is easier, it is often difficult to fit a cohesive and elaborate plot in that few words. I look forward to trying this style out! 


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